Paul Scherrer Institut
Physics of fundamental Symmetries and Interactions - PSI2010
October 11 – 14, 2010 at the Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland

Topics include

- Low energy precision tests of the Standard Model

- Searches for violations of symmetry (e.g. T, CP, CPT, Lorentz, Lepton flavor, Baryon number)

- Searches for new forces (e.g. spin dependent interactions, modifications of gravity or weak interaction)

- Precision measurements of fundamental constants

- Fundamental physics with cold and ultracold neutrons

- Searches for permanent electric dipole moments

- Precision magnetometry

- Precision experiments with pions and muons

- Exotic atoms and molecules

- Advanced muon sources

- Advanced ultracold neutron sources

- Advanced detector technologies

Confirmed Speakers

- B. Bernstein - FNAL

- G. Colangelo - Univ. Bern

- P. Geltenbort - ILL

- P. Harris - Univ. Sussex

- D. Hertzog - Univ. Washington

- B. Heckel - Univ. Washington

- L. Marcucci - Univ. Pisa

- S. Mihara - KEK

- K. Pachucki - Univ. Warsaw

- P. Paradisi - TU München

- M. Ramsey-Musolf - Univ. Wisconsin

- M. Romalis - Princeton Univ.

- T. Soldner - TU München

- H. Van der Graaf - NIKHEF

- D. Wyler - Univ. Zürich